Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We're Home

We’re Home!!!

We left Sunday night and introduced Dylan to his home. He was so excited that he slept all the way home and into the Pack n’ Play (the interim napping spot). After Mike went to the Pharmacy to pick up the wonder drugs for Alison it was time to feed him…again. How much do these little people eat?!?!

Sunday night was quite an adjustment. We were sleeping with our son through the night for the first time. We couldn’t believe that we were setting an alarm to wake up in the middle of the night. Since Dylan is with us in a bassinet, we needed to create a make shift changing station and kitchen in our room so we could have all the supplies we needed to change and feed the little man in the middle of the night. Mike is in charge of waste management and Alison is the Executive Chef of Chez Chiock.

We can’t believe that we’re home with Dylan and that we’re watching our boy change every hour of every day. Some highlights…he is starting to feed very well from Alison and also from the supplemental bottles that are pumped and then when absolutely necessary with some formula. The good news is that Dylan has been able to tell us when he’s hungry with his small but mighty lungs.

Some concerns…he sleeps very well between feedings (can this last long?), his hair does not automatically pop in to a faux hawk, he hasn’t eaten enough to look like a little Michelin man, but we’ll be there soon.

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